Growth in Relationship

Why is growth in relationship important?

All of our meaningful adult relationships require formation if they are to be healthy and to develop. No marriage, friendship or parent – child relationship comes perfectly formed. They each require a willingness to learn the ways of love, trust, friendship, and faithfulness. This takes time and dedication. Indeed, this is a lifetime project that involves among other things: commitment, listening and being present to the other, as well as honest communication. If these are absent from our relationships then they are weakened and more likely to break.

Morning Prayer

Becoming a Disciple:

Jesus invites us into a new relationship with Him by becoming one of His disciples. To be a disciple means “to know and trust Jesus, to know what He teaches and strive to follow it and to be able to describe all of this in a personal way.” (Diocese of Little Rock, “Report on the State of Faith Formation)

While there isn’t one way or one path to becoming a missionary disciple, at the heart of discipleship is a life of prayer. Prayer is the primary way by which our relationship with Christ comes to be formed. Above all, it is His work, a graced movement of His Spirit that lifts us into the sacred heart of our heavenly Father who longs for us to share in the life of eternal love. St Therese of Lisieux expressed this beautifully when she wrote, “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.”

If we are to experience that surge of the heart and know the embrace of God’s life and love, then we all need some formation in prayer. The life of the Church is, above all else, a school of prayer. It is where we learn to love God and, more importantly, where we come to know His love for us and the gift of salvation which He has given to us.

For more information about the prayer of the Church you may want to consider using the Universalis app (link) This is a Missal and Breviary that offers the Liturgy of the Hours, the Prayer of the Universal Church that we can share in with the whole People of God. It is incredibly easy to use – all you have to do is to click on Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer for each day and all of the hymns, psalms, scripture readings and prayers are laid out for you.

In addition to this, you may want to consider the following:

-Think about joining one of the ministries or groups that there is within your parish.

-Think about joining or setting up a prayer group within your parish.

-Consider serving in a leadership position within your parish (eg by joining the Parish Pastoral Council or Parish Finance Committee)

Please go to the Resources page for more information about spiritual companions in the Diocese of Brentwood.